San Jose Water Files General Rate Case Application Focused on 基础设施 Upgrades and Water System Safety and Resiliency

The application is designed to ensure reliable 实用程序 infrastructure and service for customers and communities.

加州圣何塞., 1月9日, 2024年-DG真人游戏务公司(SJW), 平台登录(纽交所代码:SJW)全资子公司, announced the filing of its 2024 General Rate Case (GRC) application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for new rates in 2025, 2026年和2027年.

The application proposes a 3-year $540 million capital investment program to ensure a resilient water system for SJW customers and its local communities. SJW provides water service to approximately one million people in the greater San Jose metropolitan area. 该公司自1866年以来一直为客户提供服务, and its infrastructure requires continuous replacement before it reaches the end of its service life. 自2005年以来,DG真人游戏务公司已投资超过1美元.6 billion to upgrade water infrastructure — ensuring the continued reliable delivery of high-quality and reliable water service.

“Water remains one of the most critical resources that we rely on in our daily lives,唐约翰说, SJW监管事务副总裁. “可靠的供水服务不仅对日常工作至关重要, 而且还支持防火, 经济活力, 以及环境保护工作. Thoughtful and consistent capital expenditures are necessary to ensure clean drinking water and a healthy, 自然环境.”

每三年一次, water utilities regulated by the CPUC are required to submit a filing detailing proposed rate adjustments and the reasons for these rate adjustments. The CPUC and Public Advocates Office analyze each aspect of the rate application as part of a transparent public process to ensure customers pay reasonable rates. 重要的是, customers are given an opportunity to participate and share feedback during the rate setting process.

该文件启动了CPUC预期的12个月的审查过程. 本申请中提出的水费是初步的. The CPUC will determine final rates following a comprehensive review process.

Some of the projects proposed for completion during the period covered by the GRC include:

  • 每年更换约24英里的水管;
  • 处理受pfas影响的地下水水井,以保护公众健康;
  • Expanding the non-potable recycled water system to improve water supply reliability;
  • Strengthening the physical security of our water system and enhancing our readiness to deliver safe and reliable water service during power interruptions, 地震和野火;
  • Deploying information technology to deliver an improved customer experience and exceptional customer service;
  • 通过部署太阳能减少平台登录的碳足迹, 用备用储能系统替换柴油发电机, 平台登录的车队电气化, and installation of acoustic sensors to reduce water loss; and,
  • Advancing the CPUC’s Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan by improving access to high-quality water service, 增强气候适应能力, 促进经济和劳动力发展机会.


成立于1866年, DG真人游戏务公司是一家投资者所有的公用事业公司, and is one of the largest and most technically sophisticated urban water systems in the United States. Serving over one million people in the greater San Jose metropolitan area, San Jose Water also provides services to other utilities including operations and maintenance, 计费, 回流测试. 圣荷西水务公司隶属平台登录, a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SJW. SJW Group also owns: Connecticut Water Company in Connecticut; Maine Water Company in Maine; and SJWTX, 公司. (dba Texas Water Company). 欲了解更多关于DG真人游戏,请访问


This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 修订的. Some of these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “believes,”“预计,”“估计,”“预计,”“计划,”“寻求,”“计划,”“项目,”“可能,”“应该,”“会,或这些词或其他类似术语的否定.   These forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, 不确定性, 以及难以预测的假设. 这些前瞻性陈述涉及若干风险, 不确定性和假设包括, 但不限于, 以下因素:(1)水的影响, 实用程序, 环境和其他政府政策法规, 包括有关费率的监管行动, 授权股本回报率, 法定资本结构, capital expenditures and other decisions; (2) changes in demand for water and other services; (3) unanticipated weather conditions and changes in seasonality including those affecting water supply and customer usage; (4) the effect of the impact of climate change; (5) unexpected costs, charges or expenses; (6) our ability to successfully evaluate investments in new business and growth initiatives; (7) contamination of our water supplies and damage or failure of our water equipment and infrastructure; (8) the risk of work stoppages, strikes and other labor-related actions; (9) catastrophic events such as fires, 地震, 爆炸, 洪水, 冰雪风暴, 龙卷风, 飓风, 恐怖主义行为, 物理攻击, 网络攻击, 疫情, or similar occurrences; (10) changes in general economic, 政治, business and financial   market conditions; (11) the ability to obtain financing on favorable terms, 哪些会受到各种因素的影响, 包括信用评级, 利率的变化, 遵从法规要求, 遵守平台登录未偿债务的条款和条件, and general market and economic conditions; and (12) legislative, 以及总体市场和经济发展情况. 的风险, 不确定性和其他因素可能导致实际结果, performance or achievements of SJW Group to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Results for a quarter are not indicative of results for a full year due to seasonality and other factors. 其他可能导致实际结果的因素, performance or achievements to materially differ are described in SJW Group’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance and speak only as of the date made. SJW Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, 是否是新信息的结果, 未来事件或其他.


约翰 Tang,监管事务副总裁
